Dynamics 365 Finance
Maximize financial visibility and profitability
Assess the health of your business, improve financial controls, and make timely decisions to drive agility and growth using comprehensive, real-time financial reporting, embedded analytics, and AI-driven insights.
Integrate financials into core business processes and automate tedious and time-consuming tasks to boost user productivity, support evolving business models, and maximize financial performance.
Minimize costs and optimize spending across business geographies with process automation, budget control, and financial planning and analysis.
Quickly adapt to changing financial and legal requirements with a guided, rules-based chart of accounts and a no-code configuration service that simplifies regulatory reporting, electronic invoicing, and global payments.
Move beyond transactional financial management to proactive operations that enhance decision making, protect revenue, mitigate risks, and reduce costs.
Intuitive role-based workspaces
Intelligent budgeting and forecasting
Holistic financial reporting and analytics
Automated credit and collections
Streamlined revenue recognition
Touchless vendor invoicing
Expansive localizations
Cost-effective compliance
Extensive regulatory services
Do you have a digital transformation project, question or area to explore? Get setup with a free trial
You would like to know more about how and the benefits of digital transformation on your business processes, reach out to us for a free demo
Capture from emails
Capture from scanner
Capture from mobile & desktops
Automated document capture
Automated processing
Structured and non structured documents
OCR & Machine Learning
Automated invoices verification
Alerts and notifications
Dynamic workflows
Over 20 languages
Vendors portal
Electronic signatures
Integration with Docusign
Integration with ERPs
Reports Generation